Physics engine

The modern way to understand science and the world around us

Activate real-world physics

Enable physics with Delightex Pro and see what happens!

Real-world physics properties like gravity will be activated and make objects in your scene react just like they would in real life.

Define object properties

Connect your Project to the physical world!

Modify the physical properties of the 3D objects in your virtual scene. Define object mass, friction and bounciness, as well as more advanced properties like collision precision.

Code physical simulations

Use the advanced coding features available in Delightex Pro to create physical simulations with many factors such as velocity, acceleration and collision events.

Physics simulations

Abstract physics concepts and other topics in STEM classes can be so much easier to understand when represented in 3D!

Code scenes with physics properties to demonstrate the concepts you're teaching or let students conduct their own experiments.
Learn about simulations

Game creation

The built-in 3D physics engine enables unlimited possibilities for game creation.

Program your own video game using physics and advanced coding!
Learn about game creation

Get the Delightex app.

Create and explore anywhere and on any device!
Install the Delightex APK
on your Android or PICO devices:
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