For schools

Learn about using Delightex in your school

Redesign teaching, Rediscover learning

Delightex was designed for teachers and is used in schools in over 150 countries all around the world to transform teaching and the student learning experience.

Empower your students    

Transform your students' learning experience and unleash their potential with Delightex
Interactive lessons
PBL (Project-Based Learning)
After-school programs
Let your students
become creators
Use one tool for all
Bring the Wow!
into the classroom

Adaptable to any age or subject  

Delightex can be used in any grade and for any level or subject part of the curriculum.

Curriculum alignment

Delightex is aligned with the C3 Framework in preparing kids for their future from college to career and civic life.

Secure learning environment

We care about your students' privacy. Delightex takes student privacy very seriously and is COPPA and FERPA-compliant.

We have several measures in place to make sure that the data that you and your students store in Delightex is always kept safe.
Learn more

Common Core alignment

  • Selection for learning 2020
  • Best coding tools for high school students
  • Top tech for using Augmented and Virtual Reality
  • Top picks for connecting the classroom and real-world
As featured on

Join over 400,000 educators!    

Transform your students' learning experience and unleash their potential with Delightex!
A Primary teacher in Spain teaches kids to code and create their own stories, interactive art pieces, games and simulations.
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An all-boys school in Manhattan fights bullying through the creation of virtual experiences.
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A school in England combines History lessons with Virtual Reality, coding and creativity.
Read more

Schools FAQs    

Using Delightex

What's Delightex and why do I need it?
How easy is Delightex to use?
What kind of hardware do I need to use Delightex?
What's needed to sign up?
Will I be able to access the Delightex domains from my school?
Is there any tech support available on hand to help?

Buying Delightex Pro

How can I get a Delightex Pro plan?
Can I use Delightex Basic for free now and upgrade to Pro later?
Can I get Delightex Pro now and go back to Basic later?
Can I test Pro for free?
How do I activate my Pro trial?
How can I get a trial code?
I'm not in charge of payment. What should I do?
How does the purchase order work?
I work in a Title 1 School. Can we get a discount?
What happens when my Pro license plan expires?
What are seats and how do license plans work?

Sharing a Pro license plan

Can several users share a seat?
Can the same account be used on several devices?
How can I re-assign seats?
Can multiple teachers share a license plan?

Managing classes online

What are the class management features of Delightex?
Does Delightex include lesson plans detailing how to use VR and AR in the classroom?
Can I create templates to share with my class?
How can I observe my students' work?

Get the Delightex app.

Create and explore anywhere and on any device!
Install the Delightex APK
on your Android or PICO devices:
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