Getting started

Learn the basics and get ready to use Delightex

Educator kit
All the basics for educators to get started with Delightex
Student handbook
All the basics for students to get started with Delightex
A cheat sheet of useful shortcuts and controls
Library overview
3D characters and objects
VR best practices
Recommendations for implementing Virtual Reality in the classroom

Beginner video tutorials

Learn the basics of Delightex and teach others with these introductory tutorials.

Online course for teachers

This FREE online course teaches educators all the basic knowledge needed to implement Delightex and use it in the classroom.
Learn more

Lesson plans

Find a lesson idea to get started with you class!
View all lessons plans
Presentation Project
For their first class, students create a virtual presentation Project introducing who they are.
Cycle of seasons
Pupils learn about the seasons cycle using the four sides of the MERGE Cube.
Designing your learning environment
Students design their learning environment at the beginning of the school year.
A "checklist" approach to Delightex
Students work with guidelines and examples allowing them to take charge of their own learning.
Art without borders
Your class creates an online art gallery with other students in classrooms from different areas of the world.
Code the
Children learn classroom rules and procedures through the creation of a 360° Project.
Class introductions in AR
Teachers introduce their students to the class objectives and rules for the school year.
Quiz game
Students create a quiz based on a subject they research or learned about.
Name tag challenge
Students design their VR name tag in a way that represents them.
Dream place
Kids learn to import 3D objects and recreate their favorite place in the world or a dream place.
Art in a MERGE Cube
Children recreate famous artwork that they can then hold in their hands.
Building blocks
Kids learn how to use building blocks like bricks to create complex structures from.
Virtual seating plan
Students create a virtual seating plan in Delightex on their first day of school.
Virtual plate
Kids re-create virtually the last meals they ate and share them with other kids around the world.

Key lesson plans

Try out some of the key applications of Delightex
360° tour
Your students create a virtual tour using their own 360° photos.
Game design & coding
Your students design, code, and then play their very own game.
Simulations & 3D visualizations
Your students conduct any experiment in a Project.
Virtual exhibition
Your students create an exhibition on any topic studied in class.
Your students imagine and tell a story or recreate one they read.
Your students learn how to create an interactive infographic.

Introductory videos

Get support from other educators

Get the Delightex app.

Create and explore anywhere and on any device!
Install the Delightex APK
on your Android or PICO devices:
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