Create. Learn. Explore.

Empowering students

Join 3M+
14M+ projects
Used in 174

Why teachers & students love it

Students become creators, building and exploring their 3D worlds
One tool for all - across subjects, ages and devices
Students become future-ready with the 21st century learning skills and 4 C's
Encourages storytelling, gamification and hands-on learning

Key applications

Create virtually anything in 3D
360° tours
Build an immersive virtual tour
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Easy-to-use Editor

Jump into Delightex and start creating today!
No sign-up or download required, just your imagination!
House Cutaway
Step into a 3D interactive house where you can decorate, customize, and bring your dream home to life!
3D environment
Castle builder
Build and code your own castle with interactive creation tools!
3D environment
Fantasy saga
Help your hero succeed in their adventure and overcome challenges along the way!
3D environment
Design and explore your own virtual zoo, sparking creativity and enhancing coding skills along the way.
3D environment
Mars colony
Build your future on a new planet, exploring creativity and coding skills.
3D environment
Step into a world of magic and adventure and craft your own interactive 3D fantasy world!
3D environment

Making kids future-ready

With 21st Century skills and the 4 C's
Critical thinking
Observation skills, analyzing and finding solutions to problems
Working with others and developing teamwork by creating together
Thinking outside the box and developing unique ideas
Digital literacy
Coding and other digital skills essential to future careers
Cultural and social understanding, empathy and communication skills
In schools
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In camps & workshops
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Interested in Delightex for home-use? Please
let us know.

Secure learning environment

We care about your students' privacy. Delightex takes student privacy very seriously and is COPPA and FERPA-compliant.

We have several measures in place to make sure that the data that you and your students store in Delightex is always kept safe.
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License plans

Get started for free or create with no limits
Get started with basic creation features
Sign up
Yearly fee
Create with all features and no limits
View pricing
No need to download or install anything on your computer.
Delightex is fully accessible in the web browser!
Compare license plans

Works on any device

Create anywhere, anytime and on any device

Web application

Delightex (previously CoSpaces Edu) is an online application available on any up-to-date Internet browser!

  • No download or installation required
  • Build in your browser on any desktop or laptop, including Google Chromebooks

Mobile & tablet app.

Download the Delightex companion mobile app!

  • Create anywhere from any tablet device
  • View your creations in Virtual Reality from any smartphone!

Educator resources

We got almost everything needed to teach with Delightex! Use these free Delightex downloadable and printable goodies in your classroom.
View all resources

Join over 500,000 educators!

Transforming student learning with Delightex

Jaime Donally


“I always share Delightex with educators around the world because it takes our students from content consumers to content creators!”

Author | Speaker | ConsultantTexas, USA

Michael Fricano II


“No matter what grade level or subject I use Delightex with, one thing remains constant: creativity in students flourish when they dive into Delightex.”

K-6 Tech Integration SpecialistHawaii, USA

“Delightex is fully cross curricular and stimulates students to learn and push past their comfort zone.”

Teacher Grades 6-7BC, Canada

Rachelle Dene Poth


“If you have not yet checked out Delightex, you will find it is a tool that will really engage students in their learning.”

Languages & STEAM TeacherPittsburgh, USA
Meet our Ambassadors

Get the Delightex app.

Create and explore anywhere and on any device!
Install the Delightex APK
on your Android or PICO devices:
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